Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The airport day was very difficult. I was very tired, as was everyone else. The flight was extremely long. I had to say a final (for now) goodbye to Bobby, and that was really hard. I will miss him so much. Everything is going to be different now. Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to go visit him at his new school. I'm definitely planning on making that a priority.
After I said bye to Bobby, Ben and his dad gave me a ride back to my house in Bowling Green. Cozy was really happy to see me. I really did miss her. After I'd been back about a half hour, I went over to see Whitney, Elizabeth, and Jamie. They had a welcome home party set up for Jamie and me. That was nice and almost made me happy to be back. I'm glad I have them.
I've been just so sad to be back. I don't mean to sound whiny about it, but I miss it so badly. London was great; the people I met were great. I miss everyone a lot. If I'd had all of my things with me, I could have stayed there forever. Hopefully, I'll cheer up a little as time goes on.
All in all, the trip was wonderful. It was such a blessing that everything worked out well. I'm thankful that I got to do it and that I got to meet the people I met. I will always look back on this trip as one of the best times of my life.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Finishing Up
Yesterday I went to Hampton Court Palace. It was so beautiful! I've always said it's the most beautiful place I've ever been, but yesterday, it was even more beautiful than I remember. Here's a picture:
Today, Rebecca, Ben, and I went to Wagamama for lunch. Then Rebecca and I went to Kensington Gardens and stayed there for the whole day. We came back to meet up again with Ben, and we finished out our pub crawl, so I got a t-shirt. I took my last glimpse of central London, and we got on the tube and came to campus.
I can't wait to see Cozy and all of you all, but I am very melancholy at this moment. I already can't wait to come back.
Love from London.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Birthday Party Day
It was perfect. Truly perfect. First, Bobby and I met up with Kaitlen and saw As You Like It at the Globe. We were groundlings, and it was so exciting! The show was literally (and I am not exagerrating here) the best performance of a Shakespeare show that I've ever seen or will see (I think). I want to go on and on about how amazing it was, but there are really no words to describe it. That cast will always be the definitive As You Like It cast for me. PLUS as if seeing a flawless performance and getting the authentic experience of seeing a show at the Globe weren't enough, the guy who played Orlando was the hottest man I've ever seen. Even hotter than Rob Pattinson. I swear. Here's a picture--not that I took but I stole it off of Google images.
That's Orlando and Rosalind being in love. Anyway, the actors were perfect. They reacted to the audience and even planes flying overhead. The experience was absolutely amazing. You forget you're standing up because it's so good. You really don't even mind it. And as if God were smiling down on us, the forecasted rain held off until we were at dinner.
After the show, we met up with Nick, who couldn't get tickets for the Globe, and we ate at Wagamama in Leicester Square. Then we went to Godot. I've already explained to you how amazing that was last time, so I'll spare you. Just know, that it was just as good this time. We fought the pouring rain to go to the stage door to see Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart, and Simon Callow. We got a few autographs and saw some of the world's most talented actors face to face. OMG I'll never have another experience like that. Perfect Day.
Today was also really great. Even though I'm aware (as I'm sure you're all aware) that my birthday isn't until Tuesday, I wanted to do a little celebration here since, I mean, I am in London after all. I was planning a low key get together, and my friends really made it awesome. Ben, Rebecca, Shraddha, Cat, Miranda, and Mia met me at Harrods, where we got some fancy desserts. It was like Heaven in there. Desserts as far as the eye could see, and you can choose whatever you want! And they just give it to you (after you pay of course)! Like you're the queen or something! So we took our desserts to Green Park (Rebecca bought mine as a gift---awwww) and sat under a tree and ate them and talked and laughed and bonded and all that. Then we went to Adam's Rib for dinner where I, of course, got chicken nachos. Without my knowing, they had all gone in together and gotten me a really cute, fancy cake at Harrods and gave it to the Adam's Rib waitresses to bring to us when we were done eating. They even sang me Happy Birthday! And it had a candle on it! I was so surprised because I haven't been friends with these people that long, but they made a bigger deal about my birthday than anyone has in the past few years (except my wonderful family of course), even people I consider really close or even best friends. It was so sweet. I had such a great time, and I'm really thankful for it.
I'm going to try my best to post pictures of my birthday party tomorrow.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Another Day
On Monday I just mostly rested. I finished a paper for class, went to class, and then Monday night we watched Jane Austen movies as a class--Emma (with Gwenyth Paltrow) and Clueless. On Tuesday, the class went to Syon House. Just like Kenwood House, it meant nothing really to Jane Austen, and I have no idea why we went there. Bobby was happy though, because they shot some of Gosford Park there. Afterward, we (me, Bobby, Shraddha, and Jessica) went to Westfield Mall, which is the biggest mall in Europe. I bought some pink leather gloves at Marks and Spencer that look like they came off the set of Shopaholic. I can't wait to wear them! After that, Shraddha and I went to see Coco before Chanel, which was a biographical movie about Coco Chanel in French with English subtitles. It was so amazing! It's definitely one of my favorite movies now.
Yesterday I went to class again, and Professor Rutledge said he absolutely loved my paper. I was shocked because I felt like that paper stunk, but he's not the type to give out false praise, and he did read it aloud in class, so he must have meant it. Dinner on campus was gross, so we went to Pizza Express for dinner instead, and then Ben, Rebecca, Shraddha, Cat, and I went on a pub crawl. It was a little bit of fun, but not that much. Plus we didn't even get a shirt because we didn't make it to all five. We are planning on finishing it this weekend, so hopefully I'll get a shirt then.
Today is going to be great! We're going to see As You Like It at the Globe and then Godot later this evening. PLUS Kaitlen's going to be with us!!!! I'm very excited. I'll be telling you all about it later, hopefully with some pictures.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I am so tired!
Me going into the Pump Room--just like Catherine Morland
Me at the crescent houses--like Catherine and Anne
And finally, a hilarious picture of Bobby proposing to the Regency statue at the Jane Austen museum. She clearly was not interested.
As I mentioned, we went to Paris on Friday. The group was me, Bobby, Katie, Caley, Ben, Rebecca, and Professor Rutledge. We left campus at 4am. Caley was late of course, and everyone was mad at her. She somehow made it to the train station even though we left her at 10 after. We arrived there around 10 and spent the rest of the day walking around and trying to spend as little money as possible. The group quickly broke up, as we all had different interests to pursue (mine including speaking as little French as possible, though I was the one who knew the most French). The whole group went to a cemetery to see Oscar Wilde's grave (and some other people, including Jim Morrison and Moliere). Following the tradition, I applied my sparkly pink lipstick and kissed the tombstone. Here's a picture.
That lipstick mark is MINE! Here are some more pics from Paris.
Me at Notre Dame
Me at....well you know what that is. Paris was so much fun! We left at about 9pm, so it kind of felt like a dream (as Bobby said). Anyway, it was great, and I'm really glad I got to go even though it was extremely exhausting.
After that, we went to Canterbury. We went to the cathedral, but it was raining, so we avoided walking around. We got a train back to London around 6:00. Here are some pics from today.
And here, of course, is Canterbury Cathedral.